South China Athletic Association i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongSouth China Athletic Association



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88, Caroline Hill Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2577 6932
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.2752975, Longitude: 114.1869438

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pok Fu


    Clean, nice place to go bowling. Yum cha downstairs is good. Membership fees are reasonable

  • Mike Medd

    Mike Medd


    I've been a member here for almost 2 decades and still love the local, ie unpretentious vibe. Hit some golf balls, bowl a few strings or learn kung fu before chilling out alfresco on a hot summer night. Good beer and food close to Causeway Bay.

  • Bryan Wong

    Bryan Wong


    The alley is nice, but the air conditioning system always breakdown. And please take care of your new custom made bowling ball, as the pinsetters system is quite old here.

  • en

    simon wong


    Probably the biggest sports complex on Hong Kong island. Members only but membership is pretty cheap. It has a heated swimming pool, squash courts, sports hall, driving range, bowling lanes to name but a few. Worth checking it out if you live near by

  • Dan Schu

    Dan Schu


    The Bowling Alley is cool but the Basketball court options are not very good. Time is split between other activities so you have to book in advance for b-ball time. The entire building is broken up by floor. My second time there I literally walked down the 16 stories to see what was on each floor. Some of the floors I couldn't see into. Most of them were empty for whatever reason that night. There's a "Football" floor but nothing is on it. Was hoping to see an indoor soccer field. The basketball floor was filled with Volleyball that night. There is a strange gymnastics floor with subdivisions that break up the floor. No one was using them that evening. Another floor is broken up in the same way but with mini half-basketball courts. Strange. And the basement has a restaurant. All in all a very strange space. I signed up to be a member to gain access to the bowling and potentially the basketball but after looking around, it'll probably just be for bowling.

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