Queen Elizabeth Stadium i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongQueen Elizabeth Stadium


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18, Oi Kwan Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2591 1346
internet side: www.lcsd.gov.hk
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Latitude: 22.2751775, Longitude: 114.1789709

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jim Jim


    Good lighting for badminton. The restroom is not so good. But better than most of the similar Gov Stadium. There are only 3 badminton courts. Even you don't know how to play badminton, you can also enjoy in there. There are always some private badminton trainings held at there.

  • MoMo Moby

    MoMo Moby


    Very good! All the settings are nice and the Hifi are great! It is good for watching music concert, especially acapella.

  • en

    Tom McKie


    Difficult to find when coming from Causeway Bay MTR. Kept the audience standing outside in the humidity, because the start time on the web site was unclear. Not professionally organised.

  • en

    Lorna Punayan


    Nice stadium nice maintenance the incharge are very.. helpful

  • Howard Leung

    Howard Leung


    A sports and entertainment stadium in the heart of Hong Kong. Conveniently situated in Wanchai. Not a big stadium, but a great venue for smaller cobcerts and sports tournament!

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