The Poke Co i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongThe Poke Co



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Ship Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hongkong
kontakter telefon: +852 2325 8788
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Latitude: 22.2762849, Longitude: 114.1710392

kommentar 5

  • Edwina Richard

    Edwina Richard


    If you want some unusual poke, you should come here! Of course there are some sets and some a la carte poke, but you can also make your own. Everything is fresh and good. There is even a vegan option. The only thing is that the air-conditioning is very low. Still the miso soup from the lunch set will warm you up!

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    Susan Ng


    Cosy eatery serving excellent salads.

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    Chris Layton


    For all my US friends, this is a little like a poke version of chipotle. Very high quality food. Very tasty.

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    Hugues La Cotte


    I go there for lunch quite often. I really like their Korean bowl. It's quite healthy the price is ok for the area. They are quick to serve the food and there is usually not too much wait before ordering. It's really clean and the packaging is convenient if you want to take away to go eat somewhere outside.

  • Peter Browne

    Peter Browne


    I prefer the wrap version that you can get in Poké Sheung wan but still delicious. Fast and efficient service also, so if you need a quick bite it's perfect. Not geared towards large gatherings but there is seating available.

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