Tim Ho Wan i Kowloon

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Hong KongTim Ho Wan



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9-11, Fuk Wing Street, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2788 1226
internet side: www.timhowan.hk
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Latitude: 22.329047, Longitude: 114.166336

kommentar 5

  • Kim-Don Pham

    Kim-Don Pham


    A smaller menu compared to Sydney’s however amazing price. My friend and I arrived at 10 and were seated immediately. The quality was similar to Sydney’s. Overall good customer service experience as waiters were attentive and helpful for non Cantonese speakers.

  • en



    Very good dim sum for the price. The best is still the 菠蘿包 with the BBQ pork. Come early and still expect an hour wait. Expect no service, share tables, super cramped space, but really good dim sum for the price! Make sure you get a number upon arrival, menu has photos and is in English and Chinese.

  • Hoon Kim

    Hoon Kim


    Regardless of the Michelin Guide, Tim Ho Wan is a very nice dim sum restaurant. Credit cards are not accepted, and so many people come and go. Always need to share a table with strangers, and there is no vibe in the air. But dim sum tastes good, and foods are cheap enough. I still want to go again.

  • Enoch Tsang

    Enoch Tsang


    This is a very good value for the quality of dim sum. This is a busy packed resistant so you won't get large tables of people in here. My favourite dish would recommend anyone to try is the baked bun with BBQ pork. It really is a truly unique dim sum. Even someone who doesn't like traditional char siu buns loves this. The bun is thin and crispy and is their stand out top dish!

  • en

    ManWai Yeung


    This place is famous for being the Cheapest Michelin Stared Restaurant in the world. It's the Michelin Guide trying to be relevant in the modern dining scene. If you are looking for a fine dining experience with great Dim Sum, there are plenty of places in Hong Kong with or without Stars you would enjoy much more than this. Just because it has a Michelin star, don't expect it to be something it's not. This is a no frills, fast turn around Dim Sum Restaurant, with a cheap price that reflects what it's trying to achieve. So if you have a craving for Dim Sum, this can quickly satisfy your need with pretty decent for price Dim Sum. The Char Sew Buns are a Signature item here and don't disappoint.

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