Hop Yik Tai Cheung Fun i Kowloon

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Hong KongHop Yik Tai Cheung Fun



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121, Kweilin Street, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2720 0239
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Latitude: 22.3304721, Longitude: 114.1612409

kommentar 5

  • Yun Zhen Hsieh

    Yun Zhen Hsieh


    每次到香港一定會吃的美食⋯好吃又便宜!腸粉看起來很簡單卻很美味, 淨蘿蔔也好好吃~但魚蛋太軟不是我喜歡的口感⋯

  • Yuki Cloud

    Yuki Cloud


    I only get the Cheung Fun (steamed rice rolls) here, to go, and the best way to eat it is immediately, as you stand on the street poking the hot slippery suckers with bamboo skewers, dipped in all the sauces (soy, sesame, sweet and chili sauces), while trying to stay out of everyone's way. There's consistently a lineup for the Cheung Fun but it moves quickly. It's a little more pricey than other places, but it's worth it as their Cheung Fun texture is exceptionally smooth. I wouldn't bother trying their other menu items as they aren't that special and there are plenty of other yummy street food places nearby with better, less expensive offerings. The Cheung Fun is the only must-try.

  • Shirley Man

    Shirley Man


    啲腸粉超滑,醬汁味道好好尤其個甜醬勁正,價錢仲好經濟㖭,而燒賣就雖然有好多料,但食落質感非常奇怪粉粉的,魚蛋就冇魚味加唔 彈口同好重獻汁,魚蛋個心仲唔熱的!

  • en

    Iris L


    You can buy take away or simply eat there. We ordered Glutinous Rice in Lotus Leaf and rice rolls. The texture of the rice rolls is smooth and soft. The layer is thin and the sauce is super good. Adding white sesame simply makes it taste even better. Recommended!

  • en

    Irene Ting


    A famed Michelin small shop with its famous steam rice vermicelli rolls and snacks. I don't think it's very different from other shops though except it may have used lard that the steam rice rolls may become more tasty. Some other shops may not steam enough that the steam rolls not really thoroughly heated making it less soft. And that're the points there's always a queue from the morning to the evening.

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