Grand View Hotel i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongGrand View Hotel


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88, Chun Yeung Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2130 3388
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Latitude: 22.291011, Longitude: 114.1974065

kommentar 5

  • Marek Hrušovský

    Marek Hrušovský


    Terrible hotel. Was faced different bill than what I have booked. They made a fool of me that I must have misread conditions. After showing app, later email they got more confused but still insisted on higher price. First class SCAM hotel! As we have arrived 11:30pm we decided to pay the extra. Got stupid corner room. Couldn't get double bed only 2 singles. One could smell smoke in the room. Bed sheets were torn. Toilet flush did not work. Room was really old and not like on pics. This is a rundown hotel. Would not stay here again ever. What's more, the hotel has right not to publish me review on booking site. So customers won't even know.

  • Sugarcute Cute

    Sugarcute Cute


    Room is big and spacious. toilet okay not too small. But disappointed that a toilet is too hard to flush with water. And staff take care me well call taxi driver for me. Good

  • Ken Wong

    Ken Wong


    Very friendly staff here with a very quick check in and out process. They offer luggage storage free of charge. The rooms are dated and the fridge may or may not work in your room though.

  • en

    Luis Gaspar


    Can't really fault this hotel in any way. Very comfortable and clean. I will rate it 3 stars because as soon as you get to reception from your room there is a terrible smell. The smell comes from the outside street vendors. Why not move the vendors further away from the Hotel's entrance? Would I go back? Most probably.

  • Tim Nash

    Tim Nash


    Better than expected! Reasonable rooms and facilities with great service and decent wifi. I had a tiny, temporary room for my first night, but for the rest of my stay, quite a nice, large space. I think the Grand View is only visible from the roof... the pool is shut, but there's still space to sit and enjoy it. Hotel is situated in the middle of a busy street market; as well as clothes, bags, fruit and prepared foods, be prepared for the sights and smells of Chinese meat and fish. Other sites mention trouble with wifi, but I found it to be great and available throughout the hotel.

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