瑩恩牙科診所Dazzling Smile Dental Clinic i Hong Kong Island

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Hong Kong瑩恩牙科診所Dazzling Smile Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

22, Whitty Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 3705 1020
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2864821, Longitude: 114.1365059

kommentar 3

  • en

    Zhihuan Xue


  • Daryl Cheung

    Daryl Cheung


    I went to Dazzling Smile Dental Clinic for an annual dental check up. It was my first visit to the clinic and the whole experience was very pleasant. After checking my teeth, Dr. Raymond took the time to discuss the problems with me and align on next steps with clear pricing when asked. He helped me on drilling and refilling first, then finished with scaling. I felt much informed and and at ease throughout the whole process. I could feel Dr. Raymond's care for his patient from the thorough services and clear explanation I received in the 45 min journey. I could not wait and had already recommended Dazzling Smile to a couple of friends right after my treatmemt! 😁

  • Adam Newbold

    Adam Newbold


    I had a great experience at the Dazzling Dental Clinic. Dr. Ho Ka Wing (Raymond) and his assistant were very professional and thorough during my comprehensive teeth cleaning treatment. The office was very clean and had even more modern equipment than I am used to in the United States. The whole process was painless and quick (yet still very thorough). Dr. Raymond speaks English very well and made me feel at ease during my visit. I will gladly recommend his clinic to my friends. Also, the clinic is conveniently located near the HKU MTR. And the introductory price for first-time patients was a welcome plus! (Visited in 2016)

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