British Qualified Dentist Dr. David W.K. Tong i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongBritish Qualified Dentist Dr. David W.K. Tong



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46, Lyndhurst Terrace, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 3421 0067
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Latitude: 22.2825164, Longitude: 114.1540538

kommentar 5

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    Allan Yeung


    Dr.David Tong provides the highest level of painless dentistry. The staff makes your visit very comfortable and provides a pleasant experience. I would not think of going anywhere else.

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    Ho Mandy


    At my 1st visit a few weeks ago, I had a very severe toothache. After a few X-rays were taken, Dr. Tong took the time to carefully explain to me what the problem was and he recommended course of treatment. Although I was very nervous at first. Dr. Tong took the time to reassure me. My impression of Dr. Tong is that he is a very approachable, patient, and professional dentist. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Tong to my families and friends. Mandy Leung

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    Susan Lennie


    I can't recommend Dr Tong highly enough. As a foreigner on a short trip to Hong Kong, and needing emergency dental treatment, he was incredibly helpful and supportive. Dr Tong and his team went above and beyond to ensure that I received the treatment I needed, was well looked after, and fit and well to return to the UK. Thank you so much!

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    Grace Ka Yan Chan


    Very satisfied with Dr. Tong’s service. He is very skillful and he takes the time to provide professional advices with thorough explanations. My teeth feel so much better after the visit. Will definitely go back for all dental work in the future and will recommend all my friends and family to go to Dr. Tong.

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    Karene chan


    I am extremely nervous about going to the dentist. I had the misfortune of cracking my back tooth and needed to have it extracted. One dentist I went to gave me ten injections but I still felt pain and as a result the extraction was unsuccessful. I was recommended to Dr Tong and with just two painless injections the extraction was done. I subsequently returned to have an implant to replace the tooth. I would highly recommend anyone to see Dr Tong for any dental treatment.

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