Warrior Academy i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongWarrior Academy


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188, Connaught Road West, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2838 3878
internet side: warrioracademyhk.com
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Latitude: 22.2870473, Longitude: 114.1358926

kommentar 5

  • Sohyun Park

    Sohyun Park


    Great gym! Nice staffs, great coaches and programs, healthy food. By far, the best gym in Hong Kong.

  • Tom Bosanquet

    Tom Bosanquet


    By far, the best place me and my dog have trained in HK........ Warrior Academy is owned and ran by a group of individuals who want to share their passion and knowledge about fitness and martial arts with anyone willing to put the time and work in. They seem to genuinely care about their members health and progress by constantly pushing and correcting form. That creates a super friendly vibe and a sense of purpose and professionalism to each class. Its also clean with great equipment and a nice healthy cafe. Check out their website and ask to do a free trial...

  • Xavier Schillinger

    Xavier Schillinger


    Great facilities, very attentive & professional trainers, and positive energy all the time!

  • Ryanne Lai

    Ryanne Lai


    Loved my first experience! Billy the coach was very encouraging even though I haven't worked out for years and was slow to catch up. Nice space, lovely shower facilities and great people too.

  • en

    ida yang


    Loved this gym. It is super clean and trainers are experienced. They also have a cool café next door that serves healthy food options. Highly recommended.

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