CrossFit Cavaliers i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongCrossFit Cavaliers



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533, Queen's Road West, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2573 1180
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Latitude: 22.2868029, Longitude: 114.1326605

kommentar 5

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    Great box with a good atmosphere

  • Michael Fridrich

    Michael Fridrich


    Great Box, nice stuff, easy Drop-in, even free handtowels to use. Did a free class but also got advice by coaches.

  • en

    Jun Ho Lee


    I have been working out at Cavs since a few years now and followed them to Kennedy Town. Can only highly recommend this box. Very accessible location within the island with immediate access to the HKU MTR station. Great coaches who are amazing athletes and super down to earth. Programming is for all levels with a very hands-on coaching approach. Super friendly members and very international.

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    Sabrina Liu


    Crossfit Cavaliers is a great place to get an awesome workout. I've learned many different skills since joining about a year ago. The WODs are always varied so you get to train and strengthen different muscles each class. The coaches are fantastic and knowledgable. They are always there to push and motivate you to reach a PB. Cavaliers has such a positive community and I have made great friends while training here. It is a terrific box and is worth trying!

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    Melissa Man


    The fun atmosphere and great coaching at CrossFit Cavaliers make workouts challenging and effective. The workouts are constantly varied so I've learned new skills and exercises like weightlifting, rope climbing, and kettle bell workouts which I'd never done before- I could never get back on an elliptical machine now! Everyone can benefit from this kind of training; thanks to the friendly environment and expert coaching, the workouts are accessible for novices (like me!) and serious athletes alike. CrossFit has made me stronger for other hobbies like yoga and climbing- I definitely recommend CrossFit Cavaliers!

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