Tsim Sha Tsui Public Library i Kowloon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongTsim Sha Tsui Public Library



🕗 åbningstider

1, Science Museum Road, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2926 1072
internet side: www.hkpl.gov.hk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.3021377, Longitude: 114.1783438

kommentar 5

  • Daniel L. Lombardo

    Daniel L. Lombardo


    Pros: free Wi-Fi, books are made of paper? Cons: No scanner to use here. Not especially comfortable. No spot with power for your laptop. Very much only the outdated model of a library.

  • Atharva Sokhiya

    Atharva Sokhiya


    Nice but make it more advanced

  • en

    Joanna Ng


    The entrance is really hard to find, not on a normal main street, more like a side street. The library is really small but not a bad place if you need a computer or printer or even a place to just sit and rest for a while. Since it's a small library and on a side street it seems like not much ppl know about this place so it's not very busy and will always have space available. There is a kids corner with selection of kids book; and a handful of reference books, newspaper and novels to read too.

  • Rick Cheng

    Rick Cheng


    Good variety of magazines, big reading area with table and chairs, but the air conditioning is too cold, waste of energy !!! And discomfort.

  • en

    Suma Sannabhadti


    It has so many books. Ok

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