Hong Kong Central Library i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongHong Kong Central Library



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66, Causeway Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 3150 1234
internet side: www.hkpl.gov.hk
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Latitude: 22.279902, Longitude: 114.189675

kommentar 5

  • Silvya Nada Fatima

    Silvya Nada Fatima


    When i holiday i always go there the place is so clean,quite and make me fresh after reading some books 😘😘😍🙄

  • Julian March

    Julian March


    A great place to check out! Book-in today.

  • Monica Lewinsky

    Monica Lewinsky


    I love to read and visiting libraries when I travel is mandatory, and this library is nothing but IMPRESSIVE! It's right next to my hotel so I could wake up in the morning to browse around before I start my tourist activities. Hong Kong people have it so good!

  • Mark Reform

    Mark Reform


    Facing Victoria Harbour, the 12-storey high building occupies a gross area of 9,400 square metres (101,000 sq ft) with a floor area of 33,800 square metres (364,000 sq ft). The building cost of the Central Library was HK$690 million ($88 million). The Library's collections amount to one fifth of the Hong Kong Public Libraries System; 2.3 million items out of the total 12.1 million items. The library's 11th floor houses the HKPL head office. The arch-shaped doorway atop the front facade of the Hong Kong Central Library symbolises the Gate to Knowledge, while the triangle, square and circle which make up the arch all carry further meaning. The circle represents the sky, the square the land and the triangle the accretion of knowledge. When it was originally proposed, the design was controversial and received critiques from Urban Council members.

  • en

    D. Lynda


    Nice quiet reference section on the 10th floor with superb aerial view of the Victoria Park and a great harbour view on a clear day. There is a great selection of books that are clean and well maintained. You can spend months and months reading those books, paintings and magazines and can never seem to finish them. Even the computers, tables and chairs and the washroom are way better kept and cleaner than on the rest of the floors. I guess part of the reason is that the 11th floor office staff is just a short staircase away. This floor has the most desk staff on duty and is smaller and the ceiling height is lower than other floors'. The skylight ceiling is wonderful for natural lighting and is such a delight to watch on rainy days. One annoying thing is those "discussion" rooms, mainly booked and used by students, some of them are extremely noisy and even those glass doors cannot muffle up their loud noises and laughs!

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