PhD Pizza i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongPhD Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

63B-63F, Bonham Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2111 1234
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.284361, Longitude: 114.139827

kommentar 5

  • Cheuk Lun LI

    Cheuk Lun LI



  • Andy Wong

    Andy Wong


    The miniature pizzas here are just like the gas station pizzas back home.

  • Anton Ivanov

    Anton Ivanov


    Pizza's good (my favourite is hawaiian) and the 20% discount on weekdays is nice. I order online and pick up at the store ten minutes later. Don't know where the bad reviews are coming from.

  • en

    Niels van de Geest


    I order a pizza at 10:00 pm. Now its 23:30 and the delivery guy just called me, that he is standing at the public toilet. So I walked to the public toilet to get my pizza (10 minuten walk, one way)... appears that nobody is there. Delivery guy is standing in the wrong village. I shared my location on whatsapp with him. He will not bring my pizza over there and he told me to call the service desk, wich is closed. I live 15 minutes walk from PHD shop. I waited for two hours, and walked 15 minutes for nothing!

  • en



    Dear Sir/ Madam: The first and the last. The WORSE pizza I have ever tasted. A very low quality ingredients to put on a pizza. Especially the cheese. That's no flavor to it what so ever. The cheese you purchased must be the cheapest kind. Am I right??? It's a Hugh mistake if you buy low quality ingredients in food business. We ordered two large pizzas and only finished two pieces of each. We dumped the rest into the garbage bin. The management of this company should look into this matter. Do I get the reply?? May be not!! You concern customers!!

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