Mother Of Pizzas i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongMother Of Pizzas



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Ground Shop, 13-19 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hongkong
kontakter telefon: +852 2891 2221
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Latitude: 22.276938, Longitude: 114.181676

kommentar 5

  • Calvin Tan

    Calvin Tan


    Pizza pizza pizza is almost the top 5 favorite food in HK (as I think). Group your gang to try out their 18” pizza. It is big, it’s really big. You can have two favorites on one pizza. A fast food style but very deliciously.

  • Barista Okina

    Barista Okina


    高質素pizza,價錢合理。一個18吋大 pizza, 二百多元,抵食,而且可以選 half and half 味道。意大利粉很出色。地點方便。地方有點窄,坐椅拉動時非常嘈吵。 食物 Food: 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 價格 Price: 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 服務 Service: 4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 環境 Environment: 3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • Kerri Orser

    Kerri Orser


    Good pizza, but be warned, the spicy one is SUPER spicy (and I love spicy), but with NUMB peppers. It doesn't say this on the menu, and although we were warned it was spicy, we weren't warned that it was numb peppers. To me, that is an important thing to put on the menu, because it is different from just spicy. We didn't like it at all. The other pizzas were good, and the meatballs were great.

  • Nikhil Chatterjee

    Nikhil Chatterjee


    Great place to satisfy your cravings for Italian food; their menu is really extravagant and you'll find it difficult to choose what you want to eat! They have an indoor section where you can sit and eat and they also do takeaway (pizza slices from a limited menu though). It's possible to get extra toppings and also order a mixed toppings pizza. Their pasta section is pretty good and they have a decent wine and beer selection as well. p.s. cash only !

  • en

    Lawrence Tang


    Certainly one of the best pizza places in town. Perfect crust with delicious tomato sauce. Margherita at $30 per slice is not a bad bargain. They would help you reheat the slice for takeaway order which deserves extra credit.

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