Mak's Noodle w Hong Kong Island

HongkongMak's Noodle



🕗 godziny otwarcia

37, Leighton Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakt telefon: +852 2893 0006
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 22.2772134, Longitude: 114.1822262

komentarze 5

  • Hatch Bodegon

    Hatch Bodegon


    A quick snack or a heavy meal Maks can accomodate you.... a quick from Dorsett Hotel made it our go to place for noodles.

  • Clarissa T

    Clarissa T


    The noodles was good, beef was okay. I thought it was ridiculously pricey for a bowl of noodle soup that was smaller than the size of my hand.

  • Mabel Sin

    Mabel Sin


    Authentic HK wanton (wanton with shrimp): small one per bite size, soup make with dry flatfish, top with fresh Chinese chives. High quality Wanton, so the price is also at high end; $40 for a small bowl with 8 wantons. Today's quality dropped a bit; the closing "tail" is a bit too form which diminished the texture. Other than this, all remaining aspects are satisfactory. Congee is also old school style; thick, creamy and smooth. Pig liver is tenderly crunchy and beef very tender. Compare to general noodle shop, there are more space between seats and decoration is enhanced after the recent rebranding. I upscaled the rating for this.

  • Mike Wilson

    Mike Wilson


    Solid 5 stars! Fast, fresh, and freakishly tasty! The noodles, wontons, broth, and veggies are all perfectly done. Pop in and grab yourself a few bowls!

  • Adam White

    Adam White


    Excellent wanton noodle soup shop. Classic Cantonese menu is short and simple, and everything is good. Great deal in terms of price / value, although the plates are a bit small so you may need to order a couple items if you are very hungry. I go a couple times a month and will continue to recommend Maks.

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