Hop Yik Tai i Kowloon

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Hong KongHop Yik Tai



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121, Kweilin Street, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2720 0239
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Latitude: 22.3304721, Longitude: 114.1612409

kommentar 5

  • en

    Benji Huang


    Worth a detour, super reasonable prices, great taste... but don't expect great environment or service... also the long line outside is for take-outs, not eat-ins

  • Desmond Ng

    Desmond Ng


    Small local restaurant, but not easy to miss, as there is always a line up outside. This place is famous for their steamed rice rolls. Combined with their special sauce (sesame, sweet, soy), it's no surprise this is a Michelin recommendation. Medium sized order was only $12. Cheap but good!

  • David Boyle

    David Boyle


    Really great rice rolls. They don't make them in house but they're still great. Make sure you use hoisin sauce and some spice chili sauce on them... With the peanut sauce it tastes almost like an Asian peanut butter and jelly roll. Oh and put sesame seeds on top too!! Tiny inside and take away is an option but just go in off hour and wait a few minutes for a seat. You probably won't get your own table and will have to share space with others but that's pretty regular for these places.

  • Yuki Cloud

    Yuki Cloud


    I only get the Cheung Fun (steamed rice rolls) here, to go, and the best way to eat it is immediately, as you stand on the street poking the hot slippery suckers with bamboo skewers, dipped in all the sauces (soy, sesame, sweet and chili sauces), while trying to stay out of everyone's way. There's consistently a lineup for the Cheung Fun but it moves quickly. It's a little more pricey than other places, but it's worth it as their Cheung Fun texture is exceptionally smooth. I wouldn't bother trying their other menu items as they aren't that special and there are plenty of other yummy street food places nearby with better, less expensive offerings. The Cheung Fun is the only must-try.

  • en

    Iris L


    You can buy take away or simply eat there. We ordered Glutinous Rice in Lotus Leaf and rice rolls. The texture of the rice rolls is smooth and soft. The layer is thin and the sauce is super good. Adding white sesame simply makes it taste even better. Recommended!

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