Sun Hang Yuen i Kowloon

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Hong KongSun Hang Yuen



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38, Kweilin Street, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2386 2748
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Latitude: 22.3298688, Longitude: 114.1608932

kommentar 5

  • Tommy Shum

    Tommy Shum


    The milk tea and toast are must try items. Traditional Cha Chaan Teng in flourish down town Sham Shui Po

  • en

    Sarah Chappell


    Great food yummy noodles and perfect French toast, super friendly staff, English menu available. Try it and you'll love it!

  • en

    Joe Chooi


    The place is small. Be prepared to wait for a seat but wait is not too long as patrons will move off after finishing their food. Ordered a hot 'ying-yong' ie coffee/tea mix. Was only average. The Wanton soup I had was above average. Judging from the quick customer turnover rate, the food must be good.

  • en

    Shen Sim


    My ultimate place to eat everytime I visit Hong Kong. Though always packed, but the cosiness and the friendliness of the people are always the same. Don't get intimidated by the look of them, they will help if you cannot speak Cantonese. Food is still as usual. The best.

  • en

    Raymond So


    One of the Shamsuipo hawker store cafes moving into fixed store. Fried egg beef sandwiches, French toast, Pig knuckle noodle, Hongkong style milk tea are signature dishes. You may need to queue up outside the small store. 30 minutes will be enough to finish your ordered food. Spacious seating and relaxing ambience to enjoy your food ... NOT HERE. Queue, eat quickly and visit nearby traditional stores.

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