Hong Kong Coliseum i Kowloon

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Hong KongHong Kong Coliseum


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9, Cheong Wan Road, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2355 7234
internet side: www.lcsd.gov.hk
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Latitude: 22.301648, Longitude: 114.182022

kommentar 5

  • Seo Yun YANG

    Seo Yun YANG


    Food trucks outside on event days. Good 360 setting that allows good vieeing angle from almost any seat.

  • Wing Fai Lee

    Wing Fai Lee


    Hong Kong Coliseum, commonly known as the Hung Hom Coliseum is a multi-purpose indoor arena, in Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong. It was built by the Urban Council and inaugurated on 27 April 1983. The coliseum has 12,500 seats, which is the second largest among indoor facilities in Hong Kong, only behind the 2005-opened AsiaWorld–Arena. It is now managed by the Leisure and Cultural Service Department of the Hong Kong Government. ven though its formal name in Chinese roughly translates to "Sports Arena", the venue often serves as a concert venue for popular singers. In addition, some universities rent it every year for congregation. Some performances like ice-skating also choose Hong Kong Coliseum as their stages. It is also used every year from 1991 to hold the Miss Hong Kong Pageant, except for 2008. It also hosts a part of the FIVB World Grand Prix for volleyball every year. On 3 June 2001, Irish vocal pop band Westlife held a concert for their Where Dreams Come True Tour supporting their album Coast to Coast.

  • Mark Reform

    Mark Reform


    Even though its formal name in Chinese roughly translates to "Sports Arena", the venue often serves as a concert venue for popular singers. In addition, some universities rent it every year for congregation. Some performances like ice-skating also choose Hong Kong Coliseum as their stages. It is also used every year from 1991 to hold the Miss Hong Kong Pageant, except for 2008. It also hosts a part of the FIVB World Grand Prix for volleyball every year. On 3 June 2001, Irish vocal pop band Westlife held a concert for their Where Dreams Come True Tour supporting their album Coast to Coast.

  • Shimran Mohammed

    Shimran Mohammed


    Great place to watch a variety of different shows or just hang out at the calm sitting area nearby.

  • Sophia B

    Sophia B


    Great area for concerts, the design of it is squared therefore you actually get to see the artist from wherever you sit. Noticed that it's mainly used for Asian artists though. Acoustics are great and it's neatly arranged.

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