Tsing Yi Southwest Leisure Building i New Territories

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongTsing Yi Southwest Leisure Building


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70, Chung Mei Road, New Territories, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2341 0102
internet side: www.lcsd.gov.hk
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Latitude: 22.3512219, Longitude: 114.1020731

kommentar 5

  • Gray 34

    Gray 34


    REALLY MODERN LOOKING. If I had to describe it using only one word, I'd say that it's "futuristic". Firstly because the decorations and the interior design of the building seemed as if it were an art exhibition! More like a the inside of a sculpture than a leisure building if you ask me. Nonetheless, the swimming pool facilities were up to date an the sanitary conditions in the toilet stalls and changing room were most pleasing. Not forgetting that the halls used to conduct activities had all required equipment and facilities. If you ever get the time, make sure to check out the indoor rock climbing area, it's great fun!

  • Jasper



    Brand new pool (July 2017) but very shallow (0.95 to 1.20 metres).

  • en

    Kuh Christopher


    New facility. Parking available but not many spots.

  • Brian Yau

    Brian Yau


    I was there to play basketball with my friends. We enjoyed playing there because the facilties are good. The stadium is well designed and spacious.

  • en

    Britto Raimond Raj


    car parking available here! Nice badminton courts here with excellent flooring!

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