DK Cuppa Tea Sheung Wan i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongDK Cuppa Tea Sheung Wan



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19, New Market Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2386 3588
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Latitude: 22.287411, Longitude: 114.149758

kommentar 5

  • The Vegetarian Voyager

    The Vegetarian Voyager


    Good decision was that this was such a pretty little spot. I'll admit that I went in mostly for the looks. Didn't see anything vegan on the menu, besides their teas. So went ahead with what looked very interesting besides their rose flower sprinkled cappuccino. It was their iced latte, topped with truffle infused coconut cream and lavender. You could really smell the truffle as they placed it on the table. The truffle cream was the star with the right amount of sweetness, but I couldn't tell the coconut in it :/ The flask the latte arrived in was big and I felt very full after drinking all of it. I just wished they'd have milk-free options there. Coconut milk wouldn't have been a bad idea, with this drink. And ditching that plastic straw too!  There was a party of three besides me who were being served all things fancy. Like when the tea was poured in, their cotton candy was turned over the cups for it to melt from the steam, and drip in. As I started to leave, I saw their trays, replete with cute little dishes, scones, carousels and what not. And I might be wrong, but the server did some tarot reading for them as well. Or some card reading. An interesting shop. Great for dates. More photos and details on the blog - thevegetarianvoyager[dot]com

  • Joyce



    Food was okay but looked very cute. The atmosphere was relaxing. The wait for the food was long.

  • Katerina Lin

    Katerina Lin


    A quiet place for soul relaxation and realisation. Food and environment are nicely presented with unique theme and creative idea. Quite an unforgettable experience!

  • Mandymanlovefood mandy

    Mandymanlovefood mandy


    Cosy, nice place🏠 Food & Service both good 👍🏻

  • jacky sit

    jacky sit


    Cozy place and very beautiful food. Very good place to take a rest here.

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