NOC Coffee Co. - Gough St. i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongNOC Coffee Co. - Gough St.



🕗 åbningstider

18, Gough Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2870 3031
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.284152, Longitude: 114.15258

kommentar 5

  • Peter Wong

    Peter Wong


    Good cafe to chill/work. Staff is friendly, pretty interior design. Wifi is free for customers.

  • Eyal Moshe

    Eyal Moshe


    Great little cafe. Roasts a great selection of coffee. Third time I'm here during this stay in HK. Good vibe too. Staff are super friendly.

  • Atle Richter Schie

    Atle Richter Schie


    Great slow drop coffee located in a really great part of Hong Kong. Do drop by if you're in the area. We didn't have the time to try the food, but the menu looked amazing! Lots of healthy dishes and plenty vegetarian and vegan options as well. Was surprised to realize this was a chain, so look up the name if you need good coffee in another part of town as well!

  • en

    Stephanie Choi


    Came here on new year noon! Cool outlook. I ordered hot chai latte, served not too hot but with nice presentation. Maybe it's this store separated floor, it took quite long for the coffee to come. My friend order a white coffee not bad I like it. Food looks amazing but we hard lunch plan so now wait until next time!!!

  • Edmund Yim

    Edmund Yim


    The interior design of the cafe is very zen and somewhat Scandinavian. Very relaxing and a great place to chill and catch up with friends! The coffee is quite good! Been there twice and had their hand pour coffee. While I did not order food, the food that was being served looked pretty delicious! Will definitely give the food a try next time.

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