Coco Espresso i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongCoco Espresso



🕗 åbningstider

19, Jervois Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2663 2884
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.2851249, Longitude: 114.1524845

kommentar 5

  • mtz cherry

    mtz cherry


    The coffee and food is nice, but this branch is quite small and the background music is a bit too loud too. Good for a quick fix but probably not suitable for those who want a quiet place to spend the whole afternoon at.

  • en



    The calm interior and the cluttered cityscape seen from the window are in harmony. Unusual in Hong Kong, the table and the table are wide. You can relax and enjoy delicious coffee.

  • Alessandro Gadotti

    Alessandro Gadotti


    Nice environment and good food. Not to many tables and it maybe hard to seat down during peak hours. They have coffees and teas plus some limited choices of food and cakes. Overall good quality and reasonably pricee considered the location. I tried the apple crumble and the lemon tart both quite good. On the savoury side I also tried the salmon tartine, also good.

  • en

    mann joya


    Coffee is good but just hold your toilet urges as long as possible!

  • Tony Arkey

    Tony Arkey


    This is a more casual coffee shop, designed for 'ready to go' rather than a 'Pray tarry a while' place. NB.Quite limited table seats on my visit. Made do with wooden seat bar stools along wall mounted bar top. I found that uncomfortable after 15 mins. A great biz model though! People tended not to dwell too long so customer turnover looked fairly swift. Nice, friendly staff team . The coffee was good. Cakes and pastries looked good. The Interior design was austere not cosy enough for my liking though. Overall experience 4*

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