Central Station i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongCentral Station


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Man Kwong Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852
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Latitude: 22.282079, Longitude: 114.157775

kommentar 5

  • Heiko RUDOLPH

    Heiko RUDOLPH


    Key station, has long underground walkway to HK station, doorway to central HK, finance, fashion, mid levels, Soho, debauchery and all that stuff

  • Nanok Tunarno

    Nanok Tunarno


    Very efficient and well-connected station. Right in the middle of Hong Kong vibrant lifestyle. The first time visitor would mixed-up with CENTRAL Airport express. Even though they are in the same vicinity, but they are not exactly the same. It take around 5-10 minutes walk between the two stations.

  • en

    Kelvin Tsui


    one of the most important mtr station in HK very crowded

  • en

    robert foo


    Great open space ..can walkng to wanchai...by there shore line

  • de Kion

    de Kion


    Is a center station in Hong Kong island. You can easily take ferry, tram to the peak and with many nice shopping mall.

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