Causeway Bay Station i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongCauseway Bay Station


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Great George Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852
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Latitude: 22.2803747, Longitude: 114.1850421

kommentar 5

  • en

    Agung Handoko


    Good market. Many cheap food & merchandise

  • Nicholas Tang

    Nicholas Tang


    Good station. I sleep here when i tire. mother kik me out of home. i want stay in HK all times.

  • Ali Chua

    Ali Chua


    Causeway bay happens to be both the CBD, and also a great area for shipping and weekend hangouts. So do take note of that when you're around the area. It has, however, really efficient systems and personnel to facilitate with the entire flow of humans, especially during peak hours. That said, it can get quite confusing inside, so make sure you know which exits to head off to.

  • Mark Reform

    Mark Reform


    Causeway Bay (Chinese: 銅鑼灣) is a heavily built-up area of Hong Kong, located on Hong Kong Island, and covering parts of Wan Chai District. The Cantonese name is also romanised as Tung Lo Wan as in Tung Lo Wan Road (銅鑼灣道). The rent in the shopping areas of Causeway Bay was ranked as the world's most expensive for the second year in a row, after overtaking New York City's Fifth Avenue in 2012.

  • S L

    S L


    Very busy MTR station. Links with different places in Causeway Bay. Take a tram to Happy Valley. I'd like to enjoy foot and body treatment in Zenxes Foot Retreat nearby. Very professional and modern. Here you can find many foreigners enjoying Zenxes services like me. Super!

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