Cambo Grill i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongCambo Grill



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Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2530 1022
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Latitude: 22.2812245, Longitude: 114.1555988

kommentar 5

  • Mehrad A

    Mehrad A


    Very nice little Grill and Alcohol corner joint. You can get plenty of different items from their menu and alcohol obviously. I found the chicken a bit sweet to my taste. Even the spicy version but overall very nice. Very popular in the late night time. The photos attached are on 11pm.

  • en

    HR Ng


    The BBQ skewers is even better than those you have in Thailand, highly recommend chicken skin and short ribs

  • anna zisman

    anna zisman


    Stumbled on this place by accident, took a couple of skewers to go, which were fantastically glazed and seasoned. Other dishes we saw coming out while waiting looked great as well. Very low price and really good street food.

  • en

    CY Mak


    I ordered a take away lunch. Not bad. Slightly expensive though.

  • en

    Sam Si


    Great place near all those bars, long been waiting for some simple food like these for the hungry people after drinking, esp when 翠華 is not for local people anymore, as they target on tourists from china. Its pretty tasty too, and not that expensive, all in all a great option we have all been waiting for in and around the LKF area

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