Cafe Aboong Wan Chai i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongCafe Aboong Wan Chai


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177, Wan Chai Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 9430 2449
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Latitude: 22.2771522, Longitude: 114.177293

kommentar 2

  • Joeana N

    Joeana N


    Came here for the fish cake ice cream. I ordered green tea flavoured ice cream but it was out of stock so I got vanilla. The fish cakes are freshly made after I ordered it. They take it off the pan and then put it in front of a fan in order for it to cool. But the lady only left it there for 1 minute of less. It was then filled with ice cream and served to me. It was still really hot and the ice cream pretty much started milking right away. It was really difficult to eat and was dripping everywhere. The vanilla tasted weird and kinda sour. More of a yogurt taste to it. Probably will not come here again because the dessert is poorly made and the ice cream was bad.

  • Lawrenzo Lee

    Lawrenzo Lee


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