AMC Pacific Place Hong Kong i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongAMC Pacific Place Hong Kong


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88, Queensway, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2265 8933
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Latitude: 22.2775885, Longitude: 114.1664429

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nicholas Ratzlaff


    Amazing service!!!! They bring pre orderd drinks to you while watching a movie! It's soo easy, just pre orde your drink at the bar before your movie and tell them what time you want it, and they will come deliver it to you at exactly that time! Highly recommended, and the staff are extremely attentive!

  • Steven Correy

    Steven Correy


    Nice cineman. Bit pricey and always good to go on Sunday morning as it's less crowded.

  • Morgan C.

    Morgan C.


    Low Temperature is barely tolerable. Seats are not centerered to the screen. Quality of the image could be better. Will go somewhere else next time.

  • Mitasha Kirpalani

    Mitasha Kirpalani


    Really comfy chairs and excellent sound and video. The only cinema in HK that sells alcohol and it also has great concessions like siu mai and takoyaki. The cinemas are a bit small though so the screen is closer.

  • Patrick Ho

    Patrick Ho


    Good cinema with 7.1 surround sound within all 5 houses. Screen could be wider but overall it’s nice for movies. And the big pop set there is so huge that you should share with your friend instead of having it by yourself!

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