Broadway Cinema The One i 九龍

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongBroadway Cinema The One


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100, 彌敦道, 九龍, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852
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Latitude: 22.2998869, Longitude: 114.1727665

kommentar 5

  • en

    gordon leung


    “Standard” quality cinema complex. No regret, but also no superb feeling.

  • en

    Alike a


    Nice Cinema ~ comfortable seat and nice sound system

  • en

    Bruce TL


    Excellent sound effect and comfortable seats. The people in front will not blocked your view as the height of each staircase is quite high. Air condition is set at comfortable temperature, not too cold. Give yourself more time to go up to the cinema from ground floor. Toilet is available inside cinema.

  • en

    Kelly Chiu


    Great ascending seating without blocking views. However, the seat's handle bar cannot be lifted for a couple sitting next to each other.

  • Brett Kwong

    Brett Kwong


    House 1 is good, sweet spot is around row J8 House 2 also good, there are large space before the first row, so better choose around row F

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