Allied Pickfords Hong Kong i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongAllied Pickfords Hong Kong



🕗 åbningstider

248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2736 6032
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.2745463, Longitude: 114.1735642

kommentar 5

  • Suyog Shukla

    Suyog Shukla


    The CareLess movers. Terrible experience with the customer service. First, they took ages to deliver the shipment (almost 3 months door to door). Then their delivery guys used a big hammer to fit panels of a book case and cracked the wood panel. A couple of other items were also damaged in a similar manner while assembling or disassembling. Finally, when I raised the issue of delivery and packing guys mishandling my furniture and breaking things in front of me, they refused to pay for it since I had not taken their insurance, which is fine if the item is damaged during the shipment but not when their delivery guys are breaking things because of carelessness right in front of me. After multiple rounds of back and forth someone higher up agreed to compensate me with a meager amount which got credited to me after about 2 more months. All in all, not a very good experience.

  • en

    Paul Samuel Roa


    It was very well coordinated with Robert Baluyut, Kim Bates and Scott (unloading mover). With the exception of a slight billing challenge it was all alright. Thanks again.

  • Andrew Hardacre

    Andrew Hardacre


    Used Pickfords for a move from Hampshire UK to HK. Insisted on them at both ends - no subcontractors. Very happy. Good professional teams at both ends. About 5 weeks door to door. Minimal damage. Nothing of consequence. Would recommend. Far better than our last move with Crown.

  • quick pack move

    quick pack move



  • en

    M Chaing


    Allied Pickford - The CareLESS Movers. Allied Pickford moved our things from HK to LA. When disassembling my dining room table, they lost screws that held the table together and damaged a joint. Now, my table is left unassembled and has been for almost a month. I just found out yesterday that despite paying over HKD 5000 in insurance, they will neither take responsibility for the mistake or arrange to have the table repaired or fixed.

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