Al Dente i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongAl Dente



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Hong Kong, Wan Chai, 灣仔謝斐道153號地下
kontakter telefon: +852 2122 9795
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Latitude: 22.2788178, Longitude: 114.1740781

kommentar 5

  • Johnny Tang

    Johnny Tang


    So far so good

  • victorian leung

    victorian leung


    excellent lunch set , very good pasta and soup . soup of the day and pasta of the day .

  • Peter Fuellemann

    Peter Fuellemann


    Extremely slow service, took them 45min to deliver a salad, no apology, broke a plate when taking dishes, pretty poor experience

  • en

    Terry Poon


    Great food ,reasonable price,little bit crowd

  • Aisha Buntin

    Aisha Buntin


    Excellent food! I had the grilled salmon which was a very healthy portion of salmon and the grilled vegetables that were served with it were fantastic. The three other people who dined with me all had great food and although small, it had a friendly atmosphere. My only criticism is that they could definitely use an upgrade to their seating and tables. It doesn't do their food justice to be served while sitting on ragged booth chairs and plastic tables covered with soiled table linens. I would definitely recommend this place for casual dining and plan to go back.

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