Tsujiri IFC i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongTsujiri IFC



🕗 åbningstider

1, Harbour View Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852
internet side: www.tsujiri.hk
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Latitude: 22.2843276, Longitude: 114.1585674

kommentar 5

  • Suus Ca

    Suus Ca


    Everything I have tried here is delicious! The only drawback is the slow service.

  • Anthony Isaakidis

    Anthony Isaakidis


    Over 30 mins to make a sub par green tea drink. Definitely wouldn't recommend.

  • en

    Sam Santiago


    We were pleasantly surprised to see Tsujiri here in HK. We first experienced Tsujiri in Kyoto and have since wanted to go back for more. I went for the Parfait with Houjicha (roasted Japanese green tea) ice cream. My wife opted for the Sundae and also with the Houjicha ice cream. They proudly proclaim that their ice cream is made with "ultra creamy Hokkaido 8.0 milk" - and you can tell that it's different in terms of flavor and texture. We will definitely come back to try the other items on the menu.

  • jane Li

    jane Li


    It's not as good as Toronto's tsujiri. A bit disappointed because I thought they would use good portion of matcha powder.

  • Katie Mak

    Katie Mak


    their icecream is amazing! rich flavor, not overly sweet and texture is great!

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