Thunderbowl i Kowloon

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Hong KongThunderbowl



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Shop 2, Screen World Site 8 Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2122 9822
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.3048965, Longitude: 114.1907303

kommentar 5

  • Wan Gael

    Wan Gael


    I noticed that the staff are rude to customers. I've been there several times avec every time I go there I'm not happy. Because of that I don't have the pleasure to play bowling anymore. if I could rate 0 stars I would do it. One day I heard a staff saying "shut up" to a customer that's not how to welcome people and it is DISGRACEFUL. Good luck for finding more customers you are in a bad start.👎

  • Gregory Chen

    Gregory Chen


    A very bad service and the workers are extremely impolite. I am shocked and disgusted at how they served and talked to their client.....

  • Felix Loris Chan

    Felix Loris Chan


    The service is extremely bad. Especially the staffs, they are every impolite and arrogant.

  • John Hobbie

    John Hobbie


    Not worth the effort. Lane pin setter didn't work and wouldn't place all pins at every turn. When asked to move lanes we were denied. They said would give us extra time. But what good is extra time is the machine won't set all the pins? Whatever.

  • Christine Wong

    Christine Wong


    Not so many people know there is a restaurant here, those food is so homemade style, and the chinese soup is fabulous!

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