SPCA Wan Chai i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongSPCA Wan Chai



🕗 åbningstider

5, Wan Shing Street, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2802 0501
internet side: www.spca.org.hk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2820386, Longitude: 114.1787189

kommentar 5

  • Johnny Tang

    Johnny Tang


    A place providing pet adoption, low price medical for pets, must know

  • Shah Mujahed

    Shah Mujahed


    Most of the appointment are handle with ease and fast. The vets are informative, professional and kind.

  • en

    Andy Lau


    Staffs are professional and responsible. Hard to get taxi. 😀

  • Maggie Lee

    Maggie Lee


    Worse experience ever. Brought my nephews to pick a dog and they picked a cute old poodle. Filled in the forms to apply for adoption but without clear explanation that if in three days time no calls received then considered adoption failed, with lots of expectations from the kids and Called everyday and either can't go through or left messages but no call back ever. Ends up have to go to their wanchai during a weekday afternoon to skip work to go to their wanchai office to get an answer of no. They said the criteria to choose which household to place the dog in is base on how big the house, if any experience in raising dogs, living indoor or outdoor, and if anyone like Maid's to take care of the dog or any adoption experience before. We already lived in a several thousand square feet house with back and front gardens and had experience in raising dogs and have 2 maids with us. Still failed. The slogan said boycott bad breeders but if the service is so lousy I understand totally why people are going to breeders to buy instead.

  • Mon Guz

    Mon Guz


    I've had to go to the Wan Chai veterinary hospital at all hours of the night on two occasions. The second was for the last time for my furry buddy. The staff were super professional, incredibly knowledgable, compassionate toward me and my pet as well as obviously caring animal lovers. I hope to adopt a pet from here in the coming weeks.

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