Master House i New Territories

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongMaster House



🕗 åbningstider

12, Lan Kwai Fong, New Territories, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2703 9300
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.280621, Longitude: 114.155548

kommentar 5

  • en

    enrique becerra


    Reaaaally good suntory beer, poured very well, it does not get 5 stars because the price is a bit crazy (like hkd130 for half pint). Def worth one try though.

  • Ali Chua

    Ali Chua


    Not a bad place to avoid the huge crowds in LKF. Nestled between more rowdy places, Master House is a rest place for a good chat. If you head to the second floor it is almost as if you are not in LKF. Highlights are definitely the Japanese selection of whisky and beer. One can never go wrong with Suntory and this bar offers a variety of Suntory favorites. The Pilsner is standard but I would go for the Black the next time. The taste is richer and has more flavor. For adventurous ones, try the Matcha Beer (I think it’s better than the Chocolate), they also have Mango Beer.

  • en

    yung yung


    Nice place for talk.

  • Johnny Cheng

    Johnny Cheng


    Beer is good but it doesn't have that Japanese feel in this bar

  • Dallas Sanders

    Dallas Sanders


    A bit pricey but nice environment

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