Karaso Shoes i Kowloon

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Hong KongKaraso Shoes



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87-105, Chatham Road South, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 6769 1431
internet side: www.karasoflex.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.301342, Longitude: 114.175991

kommentar 3

  • Marian Santino Sanz

    Marian Santino Sanz


    Absolutely the best children shoes you can find in Hong Kong. I totally recommend them and I will keep buying my shoes in Hong Kong from Karaso

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    Sheetal Parvani


    I have purchased shoes for myself, my daughters and son from Karaso! You can't find their trendy styles anywhere else in Hong Kong. In addition, their shoes are so comfortable! It's great to finally have a place to get good quality shoes for the kids and myself in Hong Kong.

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    Claudia Vargas


    I've just purchased my 3rd pair of shoes from Karaso, the shoes quality is excellent, they are made of super soft leather and they are very durable. My daughter is really picky and she always complains that all shoes hurt her, but not these ones. Their staff are very nice and very knowledgeable about sizing.

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