Hong Kong Maritime Museum i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongHong Kong Maritime Museum



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Hong Kong, Central, Central Ferry Pier No. 8 ,Man Kwong Street, Central
kontakter telefon: +852 3713 2500
internet side: www.hkmaritimemuseum.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2866761, Longitude: 114.1620568

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Casey

    Kevin Casey


    Really high quality museum, one of my favorite parts of Hong Kong. So many amazing and intricate model ships and local history.

  • Daniel Scott

    Daniel Scott


    If you enjoy history, you’ll enjoy this place. I found it very informative and an easy place for a self guided tour.

  • Jihun Kim

    Jihun Kim


    Lots of old historic silverware and miniatures of old ships. It’s a good place for kids and families. It charges 30 HKD for admission per one person.

  • Khoiroh Manurung

    Khoiroh Manurung


    Hong Kong Maritime Museum is a non-profit educational institution funded by the international shipping community and the government in Hong Kong. It is located at Central Pier 8, Hong Kong. The museum was reopened to the public in February 2013. The museum illustrates how China, Asia and the West have contributed through the ages to the development of boats, ships, maritime exploration and trade, and naval warfare. While concentrating on the South China coast and its adjacent seas, it also covers global trends and provides a comprehensive account of Hong Kong's growth and development as a major world port and maritime centre. The museum includes semi-permanent and special exhibitions, interactive displays, educational events, café and a museum shop

  • en

    G L Littleton


    The Pirate's Life. To have lived during the days of wind power ships. Where the strong took what they wanted. They were their own man. All their enemies unless profits were to be made.

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