Coffee Alley (Causeway Bay Shop) i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongCoffee Alley (Causeway Bay Shop)



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Hong Kong, Causeway Bay, 邊寧頓街9-11號登龍閣1樓
kontakter telefon: +852 2493 3033
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.278833, Longitude: 114.185945

kommentar 5

  • Chan Tsangyu

    Chan Tsangyu


    Delicious fruit tea is the must try item. A good place for afternoon tea with friends. Though you can only stay here for 90mins.

  • Tommy McColl

    Tommy McColl


    The Good: nice deco and food presentation The Bad: half the menu not available. Of the half that was it seemed that most took 20 mins to prepare - that includes a coffee :( Even if you buy food, there is a minimum order of one drink required for some reason. Cash only.

  • Flora Tse

    Flora Tse


    This cafe offers a wide variety of coffee, tea, iced beverages as well as Taiwan beer. The menu also has rice, noodle, snacks, sandwich, waffles and ice cream. We had laksa, pineapple smoothie and taiwan beer. All were very delicious. Seating is very comfortable. A great place to hang out for an afternoon. Cash only.

  • 何一飛



    《 銅鑼灣咖啡弄 》 這裡有味道一流的咖喱牛腩飯! 。。。 #75hongkong 🇭🇰 ☘️🍴🌎 Please follow my Instagram account see more details:👉🏻 observation75

  • Kazoo Chan

    Kazoo Chan


    come here for the 3rd time in these years and probably the last time. Ordered curry beef rice and was told beef was sold out. ordered fried pork rice and not available either. (seems like this problem never improve throughtout these years and some dishes r always sold out quickly) So at the end only sandwiches are available. accept cash only and we r out of cash. the staff keeps urging us to pay first while we not yet even finish the food, saying they r closing soon. So we have to stop eating and go down to the ATM on the next street to take cash. and ridiculously they r welcoming new customers meanwhile to take new order. So whats the point to rush to pay?

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