Causeway Bay Plaza i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongCauseway Bay Plaza



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Shop A, 6/F, Causeway Bay Plaza 1, 489 Hannessy Road,, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2836 5600
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Latitude: 22.2803039, Longitude: 114.1827517

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kwan Shun Anson Leung


    A ordinary shopping mall at G/F to 3/F, 5/F is education centre, restaurants otherwise. Be aware of crowdy lifts

  • Anthony Golamco

    Anthony Golamco


    The highest concentration of shops, restaurants, & fashion services on earth. Shoping addicts, here is your paradise.

  • juls goodjob

    juls goodjob


    Affordable department stores luxury malls and bargain bazaars. (Depends how much your budget) One thing for sure you will be in roller coaster! Love walking here and there ! New goodies for first timer, nightlife is fabulous seems your in New York no way to sleep.Shopping haven.7

  • Joseph Chow

    Joseph Chow


    Going to the restaurants in higher floor was a problem because only 3 lifts were provided. The staff controlling the queue was not too pleasant and polite, making the visitors feeling even worse.

  • S L

    S L


    Famous shopping place in Causeway bay due to its convenience. After shopping, I feel tired and go to Zenxes Foot Retreat in Happy Valley. Here I enjoy foot and body treatment, like other foreign residents too. Very professional and modern. Will come again with friends for sure.

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