Artland i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongArtland



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301-307, Lockhart Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2511 4845
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.2789549, Longitude: 114.1775321

kommentar 5

  • Barry Lawrensen

    Barry Lawrensen


    Perhaps the best supplied art store in HK. Teachers, bring your school ID card for a discount!

  • en

    Sigourney So


    Very spacious and comprehensive. They have paint as well as Craft supplies, like for sowing or felting and posca marker sets!!!! Their book selection is also ok :D they only have one corner rounder though :(

  • Alex Anzola Jürgenson

    Alex Anzola Jürgenson


    Very nicely located, it has a huge assortment of materials, including art books. They have a small gallery in house, but I don't know what their usage policies are (most of the exhibitions I've seen there are from schools) The place is very well organized and you have plenty of room for browsing around. It is usually not crowded, and they accept different types of payments (no octopus). Although they carry some basic stationary, it is an art shop, and their prices are a bit on the higher side. In the past they were helpful in ordering something they didn't have in store (for a premium, thou). TLTR: huge assortment, a bit pricey

  • Angela H.

    Angela H.


    Nice and quiet store with a gallery. Nice discovery. Many staff around offering shopping basket. Should have better n more signs on ground floor. Friends who work in the area for decades never knew about the existence of this store on 2/F.

  • Marion Wotton

    Marion Wotton


    A treasure trove of quality art & craft supplied at really reasonable prices

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