208 Duecento Otto i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong Kong208 Duecento Otto



🕗 åbningstider

208 Hollywood Rd., Tai Ping Shan, Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2549 0208
internet side: www.208.com.hk
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Latitude: 22.285501, Longitude: 114.147672

kommentar 5

  • Abeer Garg

    Abeer Garg


    Antipasti brunch buffet is great. Don't really need to go in for the mains. Only issue is that the buffet spread is on the ground floor and if you get a table on the 1st floor, you're gonna have to 'earn' your meals by the multiple food runs! But it is so worth it.. Oh.. the desserts are yumm. I still dream about their tiramisu!

  • en

    Eric Tsoi


    Good pizza. Nice lunch spot, not too crowded.

  • en

    wu lilian


    Very nice place with good food quality. Staff there are also helpful and friendly.

  • Signo Jesse Uddenberg

    Signo Jesse Uddenberg


    Great napoletana pizza and a crazy good lunch deal with pizza and buffet! Add a great location and style. Highly recommend!

  • en

    Mark Jackson


    A lovely family brunch which the kids enjoyed as much as the adults! The atmosphere was lively - perhaps a little too lively with a 40-person leaving party in full swing on the tables next to us - but the service was very good indeed. Just wish the pizzas were part of the set menu!

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