中銀香港(櫃員機) i Hong Kong Island

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Hong Kong中銀香港(櫃員機)



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1, Garden Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hongkong
kontakter telefon: +852 2826 6888
internet side: www.bochk.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2795378, Longitude: 114.1614053

kommentar 5

  • Marco Marco

    Marco Marco


    Good 服務好好

  • zh

    Xiaoshan Liu



  • en

    Dottie Lamb


    I have used internet banking for many years with so many different banks and never ever have problems remotely like what I am going to tell you. I have a bank account opened with Bank Of China HK late last year which I have managed my bank account online for a few times back then. When I tried to access to it again last month, my account got frozen as a result of incorrect password input. I rang their hotline requesting for help and was advised to A) fly back to Hong Hong to get a new set of passwords or send them a letter requesting the change of password/username. The second option seems viable at first though a bit inefficient, until our request got rejected twice on the basis that our signatures are not identical to the one that we used at the point of account opening. Despite the fact that we have offered to provide them with all the necessary/important personal identification documents i.e. HK ID, passport details ..etc. The fact that they are the one that rang us on our contact number here in the UK twice to give us the bad news, and still refuse to accept our request entirely based on their "personal opinion" that the list of signatures we supplied them this time are not the exact replicate of the one we used before, just defy logic . As far as I am aware, it's been quite some time since all the banks discard signature as a reliable source of identification especially . The most unforgivable thing is that we have never been warned about the importance of our signature when we open the bank account. The practice of bank of China is just so outdated and outright stupid. The first thing when I go back to Hong Kong will be to transfer all my money to another bank and close it and never use it again ever and tell everyone to avoid it like plague! Bank of China is most definitely the most backward and unhelpful bank I have ever used !!!!!!!!!!!

  • Darrell Trombley

    Darrell Trombley


    This place is cool.

  • en

    Vinod Patel


    Beautiful place

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