Yue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium i Kowloon

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Hong KongYue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium



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301-309, Nathan Road, Kowloon, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 3511 2222
internet side: shop.yuehwa.com
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Latitude: 22.3054359, Longitude: 114.1714953

kommentar 5

  • Marco Chan

    Marco Chan


    Department store for Chinese products. Nice Art works, embroidery clothing and China articles. Very good location in Central Kowloon.

  • Angela H.

    Angela H.


    Great shop with lots of traditional Chinese products such as Chinese instruments, calligraphy paraphernalia, pottery, jewellery n clothing, etc. They also have a wide array of wheelchairs that range from foldable mini style to deluxe cushioned models. Definitely worth a visit. Super convenient...minutes from Jordan MTR station.

  • don sneddon

    don sneddon


    Selection of Chinese arts and crafts much reduced. China resources in wanchai is better

  • en

    Andy Chan


    This department store is legendary, been here about 70 years old or much older, selling made in China products only, now it's more diversify.

  • Ivan Borzenets

    Ivan Borzenets


    This is a shop of Chinese goods. Expect lost of bright reds, purples and yellows, traditional clothes designs, and lost of dried herbs. They even had a leather jacket designed as a traditional Chinese coat. Things like that aside, the second floor has booths selling local cosmetics. They claim to be made in Hong Kong and use natural ingredients. If you want something a bit more high end and local than what you find in Sasa, may be worth a visit.

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