Winland 800 Hotel i New Territories

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Hong KongWinland 800 Hotel



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1, Tsing Yi Road, New Territories, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2129 7888
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.3428171, Longitude: 114.1105151

kommentar 5

  • Annie Pangcoga

    Annie Pangcoga


    Worst abd horrible hotel ever! Our travel agency booked us here last February and gave us an unpleasant vacation. It's our first time travelling to Hongkong and it seems it was a nightmare. The comfort rooms are disgusting, molds are visible in the shower area. The receptionist isn't nice and it's hard talking to her as she cannot speak in english well. You can hear other guests talking on the other room. Wifi is only available at the lobby. Beds are too small even the elevator. We've made a big mistake in booking in a travel agency as the money we paid for was not well spent. We stayed in this hotel only for one night and decided to transfer in Marriot Hotel. 😡

  • en

    Drophy Isip


    Small rooms tough its typical in hong kong. Don't expect free toothpaste, toothbrush and complimentary water. The concierge is fine and friendly, I was supposed to check out at 12 but I was lose and get back in the hotel at 2pm and they didnt charge me anything. All in all its ok specially if you are on a budget.

  • Jerome Korf

    Jerome Korf


    most horrible hotel in the world , advertises pool,wifi and gym when you get there the pool is dried out , only wifi in the downstairs lobby and 150 dollars to gym . Asked for a refund immediately. Horrible horrible horrible !

  • en

    D Besss


    Quite far from most attractions except disney.. an ok place to stay nonetheless there are better places instead.

  • en

    Poon G


    A good place to go for your lunch or dinner can't find a seat, but don't expect too much for the quality if compared with you pay.

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