Wan Chai Gap Park i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongWan Chai Gap Park



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27, Coombe Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2879 5612
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Latitude: 22.2669883, Longitude: 114.1693879

kommentar 5

  • en



    A good mid~level stop for hiking. Toilets available. Playground with facilities for kids. Provided with a shop for snacks but not always open.

  • Paul G

    Paul G


    Tough going if you start from Wan Chai, cause it's steep at the start. And it's all paved, which I find disappointing.

  • Wan-man WONG

    Wan-man WONG


    A nice park located at the junction between Stubbs Road and Peak Road. You can hike up to this beautiful place from Bowen Road Fitness Trail and Wanchai Gap Road which a good place for a rest after some vigorous exercise. This is also an intersection point where you can get to the Hong Kong Trail. The park is good for kids and you can spend half a day without the need to spend a dollar. A good place recommended after a busy work week.

  • en

    Matthew Ng


    Good exercise to get up to the park! Nice and clean air. Many people with their dogs in the morning! Also tremendous view from above!

  • yiu shaw

    yiu shaw


    This is an awesome place to bring kids to. There are car parks usually available even on weekends. you can spend the whole day and frolic at the playground there

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