Wah Sau Cafe i New Territories

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Hong KongWah Sau Cafe



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Hong Kong, Ping Shan, 元朗屏山坑頭村
kontakter telefon: +852 2617 2232
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 22.4454499, Longitude: 114.007431

kommentar 5

  • SH Leung

    SH Leung


    One of the best store for iced milk tea in Hongkong

  • en

    Ha Evans K H


    Good local food but price a bit high and always need to wait

  • Michel Lam

    Michel Lam


    The waiting time is incredible.. They often break it down into sessions just to obtain a waiting ticket. So basically, you have to get in line to get the waiting ticket. Then, more wait again to get a call that your table is ready. Plus, all the waiting is outdoor with no cover area! You are either standing under the sun or get soak in the rain. Umm.. worth it or not? It is your choice! Sorry to say, I won’t come back again. Their food is good but there are other better places, too. Time is very precious.

  • en

    Michael Booth


    Yummy!! But they have weird working hours and usually very busy. They close early, and not open on Sunday. They are also closed for lunch. Food and milk tea is very good. Prices a little high. Recommended to visit !!

  • Andrew Chung

    Andrew Chung


    Hong Kong styled cafe. Good food but the decorations are too old and broken but still a cool place for lunch and tea.

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