Volvo Cars HK Showroom i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongVolvo Cars HK Showroom



🕗 åbningstider

160, Gloucester Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2927 3388
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.2797671, Longitude: 114.1778459

kommentar 5

  • en

    TK Au Yong


    Very friendly sales and helpful,.if not consider the price

  • en

    Mickey Sabbath


    Worst Volvo service on the globe - shame on you Wearens Motors. I have driven Volvos since i was in school in the 1970s in the US. I have also owned Volvos in Japan and Singapore. The service in Hong Kong is nothing short of negligent. My next car will not be a Volvo because of the sub-standard service at the Sha Tin service center. All, please be aware that the service level has distinctly dropped off since the service center moved to from Lei Yue Mun to Sha Tin (so if you're familiar with staff and service at Lei Yue Mun -- beware the new location in Sha Tin) . Before you buy a new car from Volvo -- make sure you understand unprofessional these people are -- as a test, just call on the phone a few different times and see how long it rings before someone picks up -- i called about 10 times yesterday (no hyperbole) and got through to a human once. I strongly recommend you avoid at all costs.

  • Cecil Mak

    Cecil Mak


    Very good service indeed. Surprise there is kids corner available

  • Arnold MA

    Arnold MA


    Attentive service from the sales personnel. Very welcoming, helpful and informative.

  • Henry Chan

    Henry Chan


    Volvo For Life!

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