The NEW AV Kathmandu Store i Hong Kong Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongThe NEW AV Kathmandu Store



🕗 åbningstider

267, Queen's Road East, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2575 8557
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Latitude: 22.2743243, Longitude: 114.1744484

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sandy Kuo


    Good chicken mom with spicy yellow sauce

  • amit malani

    amit malani


    Good for Desi groceries. Not the cleanest place though.

  • The Vegetarian Voyager

    The Vegetarian Voyager


    Small store but cheaply priced and has the basic Indian groceries.

  • en

    Connie Yong


    Just bought 10 Samosas from this shop. Shopkeeper said it is $4 a piece. 10 minutes later after they were done, I gave him $100 but he gave me only $50 change. When I told him he said it was $4 apiece, he replied that was a long time ago. Honestly speaking, I don't mind paying $5 for a piece of Samosa but the dishonesty of the shopkeeper really bothers me. I love samosas but I will never go back to that shop again. If he has said the wrong price in the beginning, then he should have told me. I was standing in front of him for 10 minutes. Make sure you bring the exact change if you go to this shop!

  • aakash arya

    aakash arya


    Very friendly and helpful staff. Things are cheaper than most similar Indian grocery stores. Great value for money. They also serve food that's like home cooked indian/Nepalese food, Samosa, Momos, Chaat, etc

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