The Court of Final Appeal Building i Hong Kong Island

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Hong KongThe Court of Final Appeal Building



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8, Jackson Road, Hong Kong Island, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2123 0123
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Latitude: 22.28092, Longitude: 114.1603781

kommentar 5

  • Mark Reform

    Mark Reform


    The building was designed by Sir Aston Webb and Ingress Bell,[3] the British architects responsible for the eastern façade of Buckingham Palace[2] and the Cromwell Road frontage of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Construction of the Building started in 1900 and it was opened on 15 January 1912 by the Governor Sir Frederick Lugard.[2] The two-storey granite building is neo-classical in style supported by Ionic columns. It is surmounted by a 2.7 m high blind-folded statue of Justice, represented by Themis, the Greek Goddess of Justice and Law.[3] This statue is inspired by the one erected on the Old Bailey of London. During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong (December 1941 to August 1945), the building was used as the headquarters of the Kempeitai (Military Police).[2] In 1978, this building was severely affected by the construction of MTR; therefore, it had to undergo some restoration afterwards.[3] As a consequence, for a time in the early 1980s, the Supreme Court was moved to the Former French Mission Building,[4] which was then used by the Victoria District Court. The building became the Legislative Council Building in 1985, and the Supreme Court was moved to the Supreme Court Building in Admiralty and was renamed the High Court Building in 1997. In 2011 the Legislative Council was moved to the Legislative Council Complex within the Central Government Complex at Tamar site. On 7 September 2015,[5] the building reverted to its former judicial function. It is now housing the Court of Final Appeal. The opening ceremony was held on 25 September 2015 by the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal Geoffrey Ma Tao-li.[6]

  • Bill Wong

    Bill Wong


    The above photo should write ex- (The Court of Final Appeal Building).

  • Paul Tsui

    Paul Tsui


    Meaningful place for Hongkongers, and a symbol of Rule of Law

  • Francis Chan

    Francis Chan


    This place has witnessed a lot of historical events in Hong Kong and China. The building is really elegant, especially the columns. But after all these years, it's finally converted back as the court. You can book tours to visit the inner part by booking on the website!

  • Lazy Duckie

    Lazy Duckie


    good place for visitor take photo but too much maids on Sunday and holiday then you can not enjoy a quite place.

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