The Bottle Shop i New Territories

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Hong KongThe Bottle Shop



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114, Man Nin Street, New Territories, HK Hong Kong
kontakter telefon: +852 2791 1600
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.3802834, Longitude: 114.2726308

kommentar 5

  • en

    Adam Keith


    Great selection of beers. Knowledgeable, friendly and helpful staff.

  • BradJill Travels

    BradJill Travels


    We have made a few more stops at The Bottle Shop in Sai Kung. This is one of the very best shops in all of Hong Kong to buy handcraft and microbrewery bottles, mostly foreign labels but they sell local beers as well. We enjoy trying their stouts and usually pick up a Belgian Rochefort or St. Bernardus or two we can find them at Bottle Shop. They also sell the locally produced, Happy Cow gourmet ice-cream by the cup. This is a nice treat, during the hot summer days. A hand full of other snack foods as well as gins and other spirits are available as well. The Bottle Shop is potentially a nice option if you want to try a less conventional 'cold one' while spending time in Sai Kung. They sell beer on the shelf as well as from a fridge in the back.

  • Sakura A

    Sakura A


    Great and large selection of craft beer from all over the world. 有選擇困難症嘅可以問店員睇下有咩recommendation,揀親都唔會失望👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 去西貢一定會買返幾支走. Must-go place in Sai Kung! 仲可以上網買勁方便

  • Chris Hahn

    Chris Hahn


    Awesome place, great location. Would be better if had more tables. Beer needs to be's mostly out of a fridge??? See you next week!

  • Mike Taylor

    Mike Taylor


    A very very modern take on a beer shop, with lots of 'craft beers' (normal beer with flavourings artificially added). Dont expect to come here and find and real beers from Belgium or the likes

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