Sky Lounge i Kowloon

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Hong KongSky Lounge


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20, Nathan Road, Kowloon, HK Hongkong
kontakter telefon: +852 2369 1111
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Latitude: 22.295327, Longitude: 114.17293

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jon Dodson


    It's all about the view, about the view. No trouble. Get a window seat if you can, although they are in constant demand. Sky lounge is never empty. It is pricey here, but the Sheraton staff know how to look after you. Everything from beer to cocktails to champagne. The view across the harbour is good, but each year sees another bit of it nibbled away by developments closer to the waterside. The view from Kowloon to Hong Kong is much better than vice versa, though, and this place has one of the best views from its 20th (I think) floor location at the front of the Sheraton Towers hotel. If your celebrating or have a bit of end-of-holiday cash to burn then this is an excellent choice for an hour or two.

  • zh-Hant

    chan jeffson


    雖然不及i-square 和北京道一號的高層,但算是最貼海的海景,環境一流,平日,只兩三檯客,寧靜舒適。食物,只算合格水準,考慮埋定價,三粒星吧 ...

  • Omer Salahuddin

    Omer Salahuddin


    Nice place. Good quiet bar to chit chat. Try and get the seats facing the windows rather than the tables. Drinks were ok but you are here more for the view.

  • Yannick Lesfevres

    Yannick Lesfevres


    Yeah :-) !!! the view from these tables is very pleasant, it is Victoria Bay at the right size, great place to meet friends or business contacts

  • zh-Hant



    地方很迫狹, 枱與枱之間很稠密, 因為很多人所以還跟很嘈吵。

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